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Walls, Ceilings, Woodwork

Fixing and Painting

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Apartment in Miranda ready to sell. 


It needed some fixing to the walls, ceiling, and the woodwork, cracks, holes and the old paint didn't look good.


Now is ready to go.


Check the before and after.


Colour scheme:


Ceilings - White Flat

Walls - Lexicon Quarter - Matt 

Windows and Doors - Lexicon - Semigloss 



Job Completed
Job Completed
Job completed
Job Completed
Job Completed
Job Completed
Job Completed
Job Completed
BEFORE - Cracks around door
AFTER - Job Completed
Job Completed
Job Completed
Job Completed
Job Completed
Job Completed
Job Completed
Job Completed
Job Completed
Job Completed
Job Completed
Job Completed
Job Completed
BEFORE - begin of mould
BEFORE - mould and rust
AFTER  - Treated and patched
BEFORE - Damaged corner
AFTER - Corner patched and sealed
BEFORE - Rusted corner
AFTER - Fixed Rusted corner
Ceiling crack
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